
Click here for the student view transportation.

The Crescent School District shall provide transportation for a student whose home is more than a reasonable walking distance − one and one-half (1½) miles − from the school.

School Bus Rider Rules

Previous to loading (on road and at school) the student must:

  1. Be on time at the designated school bus stop to keep the bus on schedule

  2. Stay off the road at all times

  3. Bus riders conduct themselves in a safe manner while waiting

  4. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter the bus

  5. Be careful in approaching the bus stop; and

  6. Do not move toward the bus at the loading zone until the bus has been brought to a complete stop.

While on the bus, students must:

  1. Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times

  2. Assist in keeping the bus sanitary at all times

  3. Remember that loud talking and laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver's attention and may result in an accident

  4. Treat bus equipment as you would valuable furniture in your own home; (damage to seats etc. must be paid for by the offender).

  5. Refrain from tampering with the bus or any of it's equipment

  6. Take all books, clothing and personal items off the bus

  7. Keep books, packages, coats and all other objects out of the aisles;

  8. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children;

  9. Refrain from throwing anything out of the bus window;

  10. Remain in their seats while the bus is in motion;

  11. Conduct themselves or refrain from horse-play around or on the school bus;

  12. Be courteous to fellow students, the bus driver, and driver's assistants;

  13. Keep absolute quiet when approaching a railroad crossing stop; and

  14. In case of road emergency, remain in the bus;

  15. Refrain from interfering with the driver's view and control of the vehicle.

After leaving the school bus;

  1. If crossing the road, students must go at least ten feet in front of the bus, stop, check traffic, watch for bus driver's signal, and then cross the road;

  2. Students living on right side of road must immediately leave bus and stay clear of traffic; and

  3. Students must help look after the safety and comfort of small children.

The driver will not discharge riders at places other than the regular bus stop, except by proper authorization from parent or school official.

School Bus Rider Discipline Policy

Infractions are grouped together as follows:

Group 1

1. Failure to remain seated, 2. Pushing or tripping, 3. Profanity or unacceptable language, 4. Hanging out of the window, 5. Spitting, 6. Eating, drinking, chewing gum, or littering, 7. Radios, tape decks, or C.D.'s are not permitted 8. Violation of safety procedures.

Actions to be taken:

Immediate Action: Place student in front seat for 10 trips.
First Offense: Parent contacted in writing and advised of the offense.
Second Offense: Parent contacted in writing and three (3) school days suspension from riding the bus.
Third Offense: Parent contacted in writing and five (5) school days suspension from riding the bus.
Fourth Offense: Parent contacted in writing and ten (10) school days suspension from riding the bus.
Fifth Offense: Permanent suspension from riding the bus for the remainder of the semester.

Group 2

1. Fighting, 2. Smoking, or tobacco of any form, 3. Throwing objects out of the bus, 4. Throwing objects in the bus, 5. Lighting matches or cigarette lighters, 6. Interfering with the driver when the driver is instructing or disciplining another rider, 7. Not obeying the driver during and evacuation drill.

Actions to be taken:

First Offense: Parent contacted in writing and three (3) school days suspension from riding the bus.
Second Offense: Parent contacted in writing and five (5) school days suspension from riding the bus.
Third Offense: Parent contacted in writing and ten (10) school days suspension from riding the bus.
Fourth Offense: Permanent suspension from riding the bus for the remainder of the semester.

Group 3

Vandalism of bus − inside or out. This includes tearing or cutting seats, writing on seats or walls of the bus, breaking window, lights, etc.

Actions to be taken:

First Offense: Parent contacted in writing, payment for damages and fifteen, (15) school days suspension from riding the bus.
Second Offense: Permanent suspension from riding the bus for the remainder of the year.

If, after being suspended from the bus for the remainder of the first semester, there is another occurrence during the second semester, bus privileges will be suspended for the remainder of the year.

All discipline reports are forwarded to the building principals. The building principal then takes the appropriate action as listed in the School Board approved discipline policy. Any questions from parents or students regarding actions taken should be forwarded to the building principal.